Ghost Hunts

I have always had a huge fascination with the paranormal and ghost hunting as it is also called. Finding hard evidence that we can continue to visit or reside in places that we have a connection to through our physical life or in some cases death. I have seen many strange and wonderful things during my own personal life or through family, work and when having taken part in ghost hunts across the UK and abroad.

I heard stories in the family of when I was a baby and we lived in a house on Louisville Rd, Battersea in London that there were often strange things going on in the house. Cold spots on the stairs and the sound of someone walking up and down the stairs, yet no one was there. But the best story and one that I know is true, is of the cold room my middle sister Kim used to sleep in, Kim would often talk about an old man that she spoke to during the night, which of course my parents didn’t believe, yet she would continue to talk about the man. Kim doesn’t like talking about it and my dad was worse as it frightened him, but after he understood what I needed to do for a living he I opened up a little to tell me his accounts.

Kim’s room was always cold and we couldn’t understand it, one evening I went upstairs to her bedroom to check on her and there was a shadow of a figure on wall that disappeared, later there was a scream and crying so I ran up and opened the door to find Kim in mid-air in the arms of an old man. On another occasion, I was working and Aunty Pat was babysitting when she heard the front door open and close and someone go up the stairs, upon investigation she was halfway up the stairs when a gust of wind went past as if someone had past her going down, of course when she went got upstairs there was no on there. We had the vicar come around and did an exorcism on the house which did the trick, through asking around my parents discovered that the old man that used to live there was in the garden cutting down some branches of the apple tree, when he fell and died. It’s highly possible that this man never meant any harm to my sister or mean to frighten anyone, and was able to rejoin his loved ones in the spirit world and needed help doing so.

I did my first paranormal investigation back in 1988 when I was 17/18 in a graveyard in Battersea on Halloween, yes it was my birthday too. It was a learning curve and the start of my love for the late nights investigating, but you have to remember that back then it wasn’t a popular thing, so I had to stick to derelict places or break the law and trespass.

A lot of people don’t realise that there is a difference between Spirit and Ghost and can easily get confused so let me explain. A ghost is a memory of a person or indeed a place that gets replayed just like film, mostly the very fabric of the building is holding the memory of the event that once happened or of a person that once lived there, this is also known as the stone tape theory. This then explains why ghost walk through walls as in the memory there may have been a doorway, or the ghost that looks as though it’s walking through the floor, this is because the floor levels have changed since they lived there.

A spirit is an intelligent energy and able to interact and communicate in different ways, from moving and throwing things to making tapping sounds in response to questions and talking through different specialist equipment or a medium. Spirit are also able to touch you and in some cases, overshadow you so you can feel their presents more, and can make you feel different things depending on the spirit.  It can be quite normal to get a sick or drowsy feeling and in other ways you might feel overly happy or emotional and even anger, but this all depends on the spirit that is making contact as they like to impress on you how they feel or how they were as a person when they lived.

I have been proffesionally been taking part in Paranormal Investigations since the mid-90s and has since been the guest Medium for various companies all over the UK. More recently I now work with ghost hunters uk a small team with bags of experience and professionalism that hold ghost hunts and interactive ghost walks. 

If your looking to go on a ghost hunt, check out to see where you can find where i’m investigating next.


Ghost hunters UK